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Credit Ratings

Credit ratings are intended to:

  • Provide investors with an independent measure of the credit quality of an issue of securities
  • Serve as indicators of the likelihood of payment and of the capacity and willingness of an issuer to meet its financial commitment on an obligation with it's related terms
Company Security DBRS FITCH

Canadian Utilities Limited


Issuer Rating

Senior Unsecured Debt

Commercial Paper

Preferred Shares



R-1 (low)






CU Inc.

Issuer Rating 

Senior Unsecured Debt

Commercial Paper

Preferred Shares

A (high)

A (high)

R-1 (low)

PFD-2 (high)





S&P Global Ratings has assigned Canadian Utilities' subsidiary ATCO Gas Australia Pty Ltd a 'BBB+' issuer and senior unsecured debt credit rating with a positive outlook.

Long Term Debt and Issuer Credit Ratings

An A issuer rating by DBRS is the third highest of ten categories. An issuer rated A is of good credit quality. The capacity for the payment of financial obligations is substantial, but of lesser credit quality than AA. A-rated issuers may be vulnerable to future events, but qualifying negative factors are considered manageable. Each rating category other than AAA and D contains the subcategories high and low. The absence of either a high or low designation indicates the rating is in the middle of the category.

An A rating by Fitch is the third highest of eleven categories. An A rating denotes expectations of low default risk. The capacity for payment of financial commitments is considered strong. This capacity may, nevertheless, be more vulnerable to adverse business or economic conditions than is the case for higher ratings. For ratings AA through CCC levels Fitch may use modifiers, a plus or a minus sign may be appended to a rating to denote relative status within major rating categories, indicating relative differences of probability of default or recovery for issues.

A BBB issuer rating by S&P is the fourth highest of ten categories. An obligation rated BBB exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to weaken the obligor's capacity to meet its financial commitments on the obligation. Ratings from AA to CCC may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.

Commercial Paper and Short Term Debt Credit Ratings

An R-1 (low) rating by DBRS is the lowest subcategory in the highest of six categories and is granted to short-term debt of good credit quality. The capacity for the payment of short-term financial obligations as they fall due is substantial. Overall strength is not as favourable as higher rating subcategories and may be vulnerable to future events, but qualifying negative factors are considered manageable. Rating categories R-1 and R-2 are denoted by the subcategories high, middle, and low.
An F2 rating by Fitch is the second highest of seven categories. F2 indicates a good capacity for timely payment of financial commitments relative to other issuers or obligations in the same country or monetary union. However, the margin of safety is not as great as in the case of the higher ratings.

Preferred Share Credit Ratings

A PFD-2 rating by DBRS is the second highest of six categories granted by DBRS. Preferred shares rated in this category are generally of good credit quality. Protection of dividends and principal is still substantial, but earnings, the balance sheet, and coverage ratios are not as strong as PFD-1 rated companies. Each rating category is denoted by the subcategories high and low. The absence of either a high or low designation indicates the rating is in the middle of the category.

A BBB rating by Fitch is the fourth highest of eleven categories. A BBB rating indicates that expectations of default risk are currently low. The capacity for payment of financial commitments is considered adequate, but adverse business or economic conditions are more likely to impair this capacity. For ratings AA through CCC levels Fitch may use modifiers, a plus or a minus sign may be appended to a rating to denote relative status within major rating categories, indicating relative differences of probability of default or recovery for issues.

An important note: a security rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by the rating organization. 

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